Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Over $4500 Raised for the Olympic Peninsula Humane Society

Congratulations John DeFransisco- Kayak Winner!

And Linty Hopie- Case of Harbinger Wine Winner!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 3rd Annual Humane Society Fundraiser; due to your generosity we raised over $4500.

As a side note, NW paddling has been absolutely fantastic. All about mystery, low flowing mist overlayed by a gray overall ominous feeling while on the water, I can't help but to think of all the Twighlight fans out there. While I have not seen any vampires or werewolves while paddling this winter, the conditions have been spectacular!


Olympic Peninsula Visitor Bureau said...

Congratulations! What a great accomplishment and generous donation to the Humane Society. Thank you for all you've done!

Ann Wurden said...

Yay Tami! For all that you do. But most of all for being out there kayaking in the winter and posting about it so that I may live vicariously through you!

all the best to you - Ann Foley-Sly

CoCo said...

Hi Tammy - my name is CoCo I live at the Inn at Rooster Hill. I was adopted from the Humane Society to live here about 4 years ago. It is so great what you are doing for animals. I will follow your blog okay and someday maybe i can go on a rafting trip. I have a blog too.