Thursday, April 2, 2009

Whale Sightings!

While out on one of our kayaking tours we were lucky enough to spot four gray whales. The kayak tour began at Freshwater Bay, went to Salt Creek Recreation Area and back, seems the greys have begun their migration back to northern waters. We are lucky in the Port Angeles area to have individuals and small groups, usually a female with calf in tow coming into the Strait of Juan de Fuca finding food. On the same kayak tour, we also spotted a number of bald eagles; they were high on their perches watching us from above.

While Olympic National Park's Hurricane Ridge is continuing to get loads of snow, recreating in the lowlands has made for some great paddling. It's time to get the kayaks dusted off, as the kayaking and touring season is upon us. We at Adventures Through Kayaking look forward to paddling the Washington Coast with you!

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